Sunday, July 21, 2013

JW Bashing?

     I have been asked a few questions by current JWs, as well as friends that are non-believers in the jw religion, as to why I continually hound the witnesses. Here are the most common remarks that I will address here.

1) Why do you bash the JWs? You must really hate them.

2) Wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something worthwhile?

3)  They seem to be happy. Why interfere with that?

4)  Why don't you just move on with your life? Get over it.

     Let's start with the first one. Why do I bash the JWs? To answer this in the most simple response, I don't bash the JWs. People are free to believe in what they choose. If they are convinced that what they are placing their faith in is, in a manner of speaking, the right path, I have no problem with that at all.

     My main focus is on what they teach. If I see something that I feel is incorrect, is it wrong to ask questions in order to gain clarification? If I see something that I know for a fact is wrong, why can't I point that out?

     Even the Watchtower itself agreed with me in the past.

"It is important to examine one's religion; there is nothing to fear from such an examination." Truth p.13

"It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false." wt 11/15/1963  p. 688

"Examine the evidence. Reasonable persons want to examine both sides of a matter. That is how one arrives at the truth."  A 10/22/1973 p. 6

"Regarding the Roman Catholic Church: Any organization that claims to be the way of salvation should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism."

If there is nothing to fear, and it is not persecution, and it is the way to find truth, then why is it considered bashing when someone decides to investigate their teachings, and then call out any mistakes that are found? And if you substitute Jehovah's Witnesses with the Roman Catholic Church in the last quote, they should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism, since they make the same claim.

But that isn't what happens at all. Nowadays, if you question any of their teachings, you are slapped with the title of an Apostate. Once given that title, all current JWs will not even consider anything you have to say as valid. It is the easiest way to control the masses. And if you were never a JW, yet you question their beliefs, well, you are under the control of Satan, who is busy misleading the entire world, minus the JWs.

     The second one: Wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something worthwhile?  This is based on the assumption that I spend ALL of my time refuting JW teachings. It really doesn't take very long to accomplish that.

I do, however, consider it worthwhile, as many folks are wandering around lost in life, since they recently departed from the JW religion. I've been told by several individuals that they appreciate reading my opinions here on my blog page. Many of them were asking the same questions that I asked several years ago. So if my small contribution is able to help anyone out, that is very worthwhile from my perspective.

     The third one: They seem to be happy. Why interfere with that? The ones that are truly happy won't bother with anything that I have to say. But I do feel that it is within my right to ask questions if the JWs confront me at my home, or at my workplace. Qualified preachers should be prepared when someone asks them questions. Sadly, most of the encounters I have had with them ended in back-door escape from them to end the conversation.

     And finally:  Why don't you just move on with your life? Get over it. I've heard this from current JWs, XJWs, and outsiders that don't know the specifics from within the JW realm. People always make the mistake of assuming that this is all that I do with my time. They do not realize that it does not take me very long to write a blog, offer advice or support in a recovery group, or other things related to my refuting JW teachings. Most of the things that I do in life are for my benefit, but I choose to spend some time to help others find happiness in their lives as well. I can tell you that when you achieve this, when you see someone that was literally down and out on life, and they came to you for support, and you were able to help them get back to enjoying life again, it is a great feeling. Why would I want to move on from that?

     So I would like to ask my accusers a question in closing. Who is really doing the bashing?

"False religious propaganda from any source should be avoided like poison! Really, since our Lord has used "the faithful and discreet slave" to convey to us "sayings of everlasting life," why should we ever want to look anywhere else?" Watchtower 1987 Nov 1 p.20

 "The world is filled with unhappiness, and people generally have a gloomy outlook on the future. However, we have a bright outlook, knowing that one day all sadness will be a thing of the past." Kingdom Ministry Feb 2002 p.1

 "From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching ..." Watchtower 1981 Aug 15 p.29

 "Apostates “quietly” bring their ideas into the congregation, like criminals who secretly bring things into a country. ... The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning. ... We do not speak to them or invite them into our houses. We also do not read their books, watch them on television, read what they write on the Internet, or add our own comments about what they write on the Internet." Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.11

 "It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments. Their twisted, poisonous reasoning can cause spiritual harm and can contaminate your faith like rapidly spreading gangrene." Watchtower 2004 Feb 15 p.28

 "For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of "smooth talk" and "counterfeit words." ... Those who have continued to feed at Satan's spiritual table, the table of demons, will be forced to attend a literal meal, no, not as partakers, but as the main course-to their destruction!" Watchtower 1994 Jul 1 p.12

 "What is often the motive of those who criticize the Society or those taking the lead? Is it not often that some application of Scripture affects them personally? Rather than conform to sound doctrine and direction, they want the organization to change. Let us illustrate this with a few examples: A brother insists on some extreme clothing or grooming style. The elders feel that he is not a good example and do not extend to him certain privileges, such as appearing on the platform to give instruction. He becomes resentful, claiming that others are trying to take away his Christian freedom. But what is behind such reasoning? Is it not usually pride, an independent attitude, or a rather childish desire to have one's own way?" Occasionally you may hear someone question whether the Scriptural prohibition against eating blood really applies to transfusions. But what is behind that reasoning? Is it fear-fear of possibly losing one's present life or the life of a loved one? Is hope in the resurrection fading? ... Finally, we might consider what the Society has published in the past on chronology. Some opposers claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are false prophets. These opponents say that dates have been set, but nothing has happened. Again we ask, What is the motive of these critics? Are they encouraging wakefulness on the part of God's people, or are they, rather, trying to justify themselves for falling back into sleepy inactivity?" Watchtower 1986 Mar 15 p.18 Allow No Place for the Devil!

Wouldn't any of these quotes be considered bashing? 



  1. Excellent article. JWs dish it out all the time calling Catholics the harlot in Revelation who rides the wild beast, calling people who leave the JW organization "mentally diseased", but the second you say anything they don't like, they call it persecution and bashing. How ridiculous! You are performing a service by exposing the JW organization lies and false prophecies and have as much right as they have to perform the service they feel they are performing. Those who leave this organization are many times shunned and left with no one. They need people like you the same way battered women and abused animals need shelters.

    I know JWs see themselves as the good guys, but they need people like you to have them re-examine their beliefs from someone on the outside who can see the forest for the trees. Thank you Tracy!

  2. I really appreciate what you're doing for us. Even though I've been out for 7 years, sometimes I need to have reassurance. You made me remember the part if the movie the matrix - chose the blue pill go back to sleep and forget it all (go back to mindless JW society) or the red pill and wake up to so much knowledge
